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An Introduction to


a schematic classification


This schematic is included, in these notes, to indicate the scope of vegetative plant propagation. It is significant to remember that the great majority of what is practiced as plant propagation from vegetative parts is not a normal growth pattern; although the plant is capable of responding via a regenerative process – ie there is an inherent ability to regenerate which, presumably, has developed as part of the evolutionary process.












          -Foliar plantlets

          -Floral plantlets



              -Tissue Culture

              -Cell Culture



                  -Solid Crowns

                  -Diffuse Crowns





                  -Detached Scion



                          -Based Whip

                          -Whip and Tongue








              -Regeneration of parts




                              -French Layering

                              -Trench Layering













                          -In situ



                          -Leaf Petiole cuttings

                          -Leaf Lamina cuttings

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